
Metatarsalgia is an overuse common injury which is described as inflammation and pain in the ball of the foot. Rather than a specific disease, it is often treated as a symptom of other diseases. Athletes who participate in high-impact sports involving jumping and running have a great chance of getting… Read More

Do You Feel Numbness? Diabetic Foot Symptoms

Diabetes actually represents many other different diseases as the high glucose levels in the blood over time can damage the eyes, blood vessels, kidneys, and nerves. It can also decrease the ability of the body to fight infection. It is already known to us that if diabetes is not taken… Read More

Should I get Orthotics or Not? Custom made foot orthotics

Ankle, foot, knee and biomechanics of the hip are very complex and the non-specialists cannot just navigate this maze with every patient successfully. So the orthotics cannot be prescribed without a clear examination even by the specialist. It can even take more than half hour to examine a complicated case. Read More

Orthotics – Uses – Materials and Manufacture

A specialty in the medical field which is concerned with the manufacture, application, and design of the orthoses is called orthotics. An orthosis is a device which is used to modify the functional and structural characteristics of the skeletal and neuromuscular system. This externally applied device is used by an… Read More

5th Metatarsal Stress Fracture Treatment & Management

See attached, this image shows a fracture of the 5th meta tarsal. A stress fracture is also called as Hairline fracture and is a fracture of the bone caused by the repeated stress. As a result of accumulated trauma from submaximal loadings like jumping and running a fracture is caused… Read More

Fast Facts About Gout

Gout present in the big toe is known as podagra and is characterized by the reoccurring attacks of inflammatory arthritis-hot, red , swollen joint. Pain comes after every 12 hours and joint at the big toe is affected in most cases. This can result in kidney stone, urate nephropathy or… Read More